A downloadable tool

This is a set of simple debug functions to display some data on your layers, rooms, view, objects, data_structures...

Quite basic, but I find them usefull, like 

 - checking with inspect_all_layers() that all layers have the proper depth when you don't see some of your instances that maybe behind or when your parallax is acting funny

 - checking with inspect_camera_and_data() that your views are ok when you got a black screen or GUI is acting weird

 - listing rooms with inspect_all_rooms() for a debug console allowing you to navigate in rooms

 - counting all objects with count_all_objects() to make you did not forget to destroy any (memory leak) and you have the proper number of all of them after 2 hours of play - of course this can be done with the debugger

 - displaying key variables on some instances with inspect_an_instance() or inspect_all_instances()

 - making sure you did not forget to delete some data structures with lookup_data_structure()

Free to use / modify and do whatever you want for whatever your like


InspectLib.gml 26 kB

Install instructions

  1. Create a new script in Game Maker Studio in your prokect
  2. Download the InspectLib.GML file and open it with notepad
  3. Copy-Paste the content of the InspectLib.GML file into your new script
  4. Enjoy

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